Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Modena in 1985. Thesis in Periodontology.Specialized in Dentistry and Dental Implants with honors from the University of Modena.He attended the University Dental Clinic of Modena from 1983 to1994.
He has collaborated with internationally renowned professionals specifically focusing on implant surgery and regenerative surgery alveolar bases.He has attended refresher courses and training in Italy and abroad with a focus in the specialty of oral periodontal surgery, implantology and dental prosthetics.
Private practice in Sassuolo (MO) since 1987 and in Castellarano (RE) since 2002.
Medical Director of two private dental clinics “Ventura Giuseppe Dental Clinic” which is mainly engaged in oral surgery, implantology and dental prosthetics. He works with a staff of specialists in dentistry.

Graduated in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics with honours in 1989 at the University of Modena with Thesis entitled: “Ectopic Eruption of deciduous teeth.”
Enabled at the same faculty to practice in 1989.Registered in the Order of Dentists of Modena since 1990.She worked at the Dental Clinic of the University of Bologna from 1990 to 1993 in the Department of Conservative and Endodontics of Professor Dondi Dall ‘Orologio.She has attended several courses since 1990 with a particular interest in the aesthetics Conservative and Endodontics, including: Dr. Castellucci, Dr. Vanini, Dr. Pini, Dr.Gorni, Dr. Gesi-Mareschi, Dr . Cortellini, Dr. Ambu, Dr. Vignoletti, Dr. Spreafico, Dr. Valbonesi, Dr. Acquaviva.
Has worked as a freelancer in Bologna and Modena.
Has collaborated with Dr. Joseph Ventura since 1997 and deals with Conservative and Endodontics.

Degree in Medicine and Surgery in Bologna in 1985. Specialization in Dentistry in Modena in 1992.
Over Tweed epget First Instance Milan 1986
Technology Two-dimensional course J. Bednar, Vicenza 1991
Technology nonextraction course Cetlin, Rome 1991
Technology Ricketts course M. Gandolfini, Piacenza 1992
Cranial-Mandibular Disorders course Tore Hansson, Bergamo 1992 Postgraduate Course Prof. Prof.Shor Term Melsen, AARHUS – DK January to March 1993 Course “the Herbst appliance” Dr. Rome Schiavoni 2009 MASTER DAMON Dr Perera – Dr 2009 Espejo Florence
A member of SIDO (Italian Society of Orthodontics) and SIBOS (Italian Society of Biomechanics and Segmented Orthodontics), the Italian Academy of Orthodontics, the REDOI (Italian register of orthodontists)
Works exclusively in orthodontics at the studio Luzi D’Agostino in Rome and as a consultant in several dental clinics in the province of Modena and Bologna

Graduated in Dentistry in 2007 at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia with Thesis “Tensile strength of devitalized tooth restorations: analysis interface post-composite.” Master Degree in “Endodontics and Oral Surgery”. Master Degree in “Diagnosis and Therapy of Diseases Dentistry and Maxillo-Facial”. Collaborator in dental practice of Modena and Bologna in Prosthetic Dentistry, Conservative, Endodontics, Oral Surgery. Since March 2013 Provincial Council Member of ANDI Modena section.
• Professor for the Teaching of Propaedeutics Clinic at the Integrated Course of Principles of Dentistry, AA 2011/2012;
• Educator at the Professional Training Course “Operator at the Dental Chair” in 2009 and 2011 for the teaching of Endodontics;
• Tutor at the Zimmer Institute in Winterthur (CH) for the Post Graduate Specialization Course in Implantology, AA 2007/2008;
• Assignment of lessons in the Degree Course in Dental Hygiene and the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Implants.
Since 2005 he regularly takes part in dental events organized by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and training meetings ANDI. Also participates in national and international meetings of the main Italian and European companies in the field of Dental

Graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Bologna in 1975. Professional qualification and registration with the Medical Association of Ferrara in 1975. Winner of anopen competition at the Institute of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care of the University of Ferrara in 1977. Postgraduate Degree in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care at the University of Ferrara with theresult of 70/70 with honors in 1978. Full-time Assistant at the service of Anesthesiology of Arcispedale S. Anna hospital of the USL 31 Ferrara from 1977 to 1986. From 1977 to 1979 he worked at the surgery room of the ENT Clinic; 1980-1981 he took service in the Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care. From 1981 to 1989 he rendered service in the operating room of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Ferrara, working, among other things, with the Health Department, the practical implementation of the Law 194 on the voluntary interruption of pregnancy and an interest of analgesia delivery. Since 1986 he has participated as a Resuscitator Medical Service Resuscitator of Emergency and Transport Helicopter Assisted with the Regional Health at the Maggiore Hospital, Bologna. From 1990 to 1996 he served in the operating rooms of the ENT Clinic of Maxillo-facial Surgery and the Division of Plastic Surgery Arcispedale S. Anna,Ferrara. From 1996 to 1998 in the surgery rooms of Neurosurgery, Urology and Orthopedics and from 1998 to 2006 he was Executive Director of the Department of Anesthesiology at the Eye Clinic in the Plastic Surgery division. Since 2006, he has carried out free professional collaborating with specialists in ENT, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Orthopedics and Dental Implantology. Author of various publications.

Graduated in Dental Hygiene in 2009 at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia with thesis entitled “The dental hygienist and the implant patient: a relationship that develops over time as a successful strategy” with final grade 110/110. She has worked with the Staff of Dr. Ventura since 2001, initially as dental assistant in conservative and endodontic therapies and orthodontic treatments, then alongside Dr. Ventura in prosthetics preparation, oral surgery and implantology. She carries out: measurement of periodontal parameters; removal (mechanical or manual) of bacterial plaque and tartar from the tooth surfaces and implant; polishing of fillings (amalgam and composite); detection of risk factors related to insurgence/progression of teeth and mucose diseases; identifies correlations between systemic diseases and oral conditions; she provides recommendation for correct nutrition; trains and advises about the tools and methods of individual oral hygiene; performs motivational counseling on patient smoking in order to reduce/eliminate smoking habits; she describe maneuvers prophylaxis of the oral cavity, such as topical applications of fluoride, mineralizing agents, groove sealings; she performs dental bleaching for aesthetic purposes. She is involved in the organization of the secretarial aspects and has responsibility in the administrative management of the firm. She is responsible for the safety of RLS workers Legislative Decree 81/08 (ex 626/94). Fire prevention officer D.M. 10/03/98. Full Executor “D” BLSD disciplines adult and child. Regularly participates in theoretical and practical courses of update and professional training on: – Clinical methodology and technique in implantology – Nobel Biocare Biomax Dr. M. Merli- SIDCO – Prevention of dental diseases, oral hygiene techniques, bleaching and patient education home hygiene -Sidp-AIO-University of Mo and Re-University of Ferrara -Idea; Use and maintenance of manual and mechanical instruments -Hu-Friedy-ANDI- Communication, motivation and management of the dental practice-Dr. Guastamacchia-Dr.Caprara.

Graduated in Dental Hygiene in 2015 at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia with final grade of 110/110. Thesis: “Mineralizing therapy as a treatment of chemical erosion due to soft drinks: experimental study through in vitro analysis with ESEM.” She collaborates with two dental practices in Modena. She has worked with the Staff of Dr. Ventura with the following tasks: – detection of periodontal parameters; – Compilation of the medical diagnostic and statistical purposes; – Use of diagnostic tools suitable to highlight plaque or bacterial biofilm; – Removal (mechanical or manual) of bacterial plaque and tartar from the tooth surfaces and implants; – Polishing of fillings (amalgam and composite); – Detection of risk factors related to insurgence/progression of teeth and mucosa diseases; – Identifies the correlation between systemic diseases and oral conditions; – Gives advice on correct nutrition; – Instructs and advises about tools and methods of individual oral hygiene; – Performs motivational counseling on patients who smoke in order to reduce/eliminate the use of tobacco; – describe prophylaxis maneuvers of the oral cavity, such as topical applications of fluoride, mineralizing agents, groove sealings – Performs dental bleaching for aesthetic purposes.

Graduated in Dental Hygiene in 2017 at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia with experimental tesis: “Salivary microbiological analysis and food investigation in the prevention of carious lesions in pediatric age”. She collaborates with two dental practices in Modena. She has worked with the Staff of Dr. Ventura with the following tasks: – detection of periodontal parameters; – Compilation of the medical diagnostic and statistical purposes; – Use of diagnostic tools suitable to highlight plaque or bacterial biofilm; – Removal (mechanical or manual) of bacterial plaque and tartar from the tooth surfaces and implants; – Polishing of fillings (amalgam and composite); – Detection of risk factors related to insurgence/progression of teeth and mucosa diseases; – Identifies the correlation between systemic diseases and oral conditions; – Gives advice on correct nutrition; – Instructs and advises about tools and methods of individual oral hygiene; – Performs motivational counseling on patients who smoke in order to reduce/eliminate the use of tobacco; – describe prophylaxis maneuvers of the oral cavity, such as topical applications of fluoride, mineralizing agents, groove sealings – Performs dental bleaching for aesthetic purposes.

Graduated in Dental Hygiene in 2012 at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia with final grade of 106/110. Thesis: “Knowledge on the figure of the dental hygienist: interview with pediatricians and parents. Small patients, our protagonists”. She collaborates with two dental practices in Modena. She has worked the Staff of Dr. Ventura since 2012 with the following tasks: – detection of periodontal parameters – Compilation of the medical diagnostic and statistical purposes; – Use of diagnostic tools suitable to highlight plaque or bacterial biofilm; – Removal (mechanical or manual) of bacterial plaque and tartar from the tooth surfaces and implants – Polishing of conservative restorations (amalgam and composite); – Detection of risk factors related to insurgence/progression of teeth and mucosa diseases; – gives advice on correct nutrition, – Educates and advise on tools and methods of individual oral hygiene; – Performs motivational counseling on pediatric patients; – Performs prophylaxis maneuvers of the oral cavity, such as topical applications of fluoride, mineralizing agents, groove sealings – Performs bleaching for aesthetic purposes.

Degree in Technical Business Management with the grade of 57/60 in 1997. She worked for four years in a company as the sole-charge commercial employee, an experience that has contributed to her personal and professional training. Since 2002 she has been Head Secretary of the dental clinic of Dr. Ventura, where shehas taken full awareness of her susceptibility in the management of a dental practice. Following this aspiration she is currently working at the clinic where, thanks to the confidence granted by the Management and esteem shown by patients, can fully realize what she has learnt over time and during the training courses attended. She deals exclusively of the extra-clinical fields: – welcoming patients – organizing appointments and the administrative area – organizes periodical dental check-ups and oral hygiene appointments – manages relationships with suppliers.

Degree in Biological Institute “F. Selmi” with the raiting of 50/60 in 1998. She worked for 10 years in the family business as the sole-charge secretary, dealing with all commercial and administrative aspects, acquiring organizational skills. She has developed familiarity and sense of responsibility in managing the relationships with customers and suppliers. With an interest in having a more direct approach with the public and with the aim to improve and increase her knowledge, in 2009 she became part of the team of Dr. Ventura as a secretary and dental assistant. Fire prevention officer D.M. 10/03/98. She deals with: – welcoming patients – arranging appointments and the administrative area – organizes periodical tooth decay, orthodontic and dental hygiene check ups – assistant in conservation and endodontic practices – assistant in oral and implants surgery.

Certificate awarded from the three-year Biological Institute “F. Selmi” in 1996. From 1996 she worked as dental assistant of conservatives and endodontics practices, orthodontics treatments, oral surgery and dental prosthetic, in charge of the sterilization room and maintenance of instruments. She’s responsible for the workers’s safety RLS 626/94. Since 2010 she has been part of Staff Dr. Ventura with the intention to continue to grow in her profession as assistant, expanding fields of interest and competence.

Since 1993 she has worked in dental practices as secretary/dental assistant and carries out practices tool sharpening. She illustrates whitening systems and home treatments for patients susceptible to tooth decay, management of medical records, filing radiographic status and periodontal probing. She takes care of: – welcoming patients – arranging appointments and the administrative area -organizing periodical dental and oral hygiene check-ups – managing relationships with suppliers. She has participated in the following training courses: “Professional whitening” Dr. Dan Fisher, ILIC Ultradent “The hygienist’s role in the hygiene of patients with periodontal diseases and implants” Dott.sa Viviana Cortesi Ardizzone “Operating training of oral hygiene” Dott.sa Antonella Tani Botticelli with the result of 97/100. “Professional whitening” NOVE ARCHI Bologna ” ANDI Congress Cervia “Dott.sa Viviana Cortesi Ardizzone” Preparatory course for employees in professional dental practices “,” Theoretical / practical in Oral Hygiene “Dott.sa Anna Maria Pincelli with Excellent” Time and Economic management “Dr. Guastamacchia

Degree of Dental Technician in 2013 at the Institute Luigi Galvani of Reggio Emilia with the specialization in Dental Materials, Dental Laboratory and Gnathology Science . Possesses good interpersonal skills decided to enter the dental world as dental assistant to allow her to use her technical expertise combined with interpersonal skills . She believes that good teamwork can bring excellent result, both personal and group .

In 1981 he graduated as a dental technician at the institute I.P.S.I.A. of Reggio Emilia.
In 1985 he became the owner of the Novadent Laboratory in Modena.
He has attended several courses including those of Willi Geller, Klaus Jurowich, Giuseppe Zuppardi, Michel Magne, Hernst Heghembath and many others.
However, the most important part of his training started in 1993, when he attended the course on fixed prosthetics with Mr.Roberto Bonfiglioli.
In 1995 he attended the course on implant prosthetics by Dr.Mauro Merli.
In 2002 he attended the course on removable prosthetics by Dr. Glauco Marino.
He is specialized in fixed prosthesis, implant prosthesis and aesthetic prosthesis with veneers, ceramic inlays and integral ceramics.
In 2010 he attended the course by Oliver Brix on the stratification of the lithium disilicate.
Since 2010 he is an active member of A.I.O.P.
Lector at national and international conferences continues his training on modern technologies and new materials to sustain his company to the highest innovative standards.

Degree in Dental Technician I.P.S.I.A in 1996 . L. Galvani of Reggio Emilia , Modena began working in the laboratory of his father, William , following a number of leading speakers at international level , both in the field and in the field of Dental Photography . He has written various articles for national and international magazines on photography in dentistry and aesthetics of the smile . Currently teaches courses on Dental and Dental Photography , Digital Smile Design , Veneers on refractory ceramic and natural layering technique . Holder of Dental Laboratory Maffei in Modena , where he and his sister Elisa deal mainly in esthetic ceramics . Socio AIOP , active member ESCD.

Degree for dental technicians at IPSIA Reggio Emilia in 1988. He started training at a prestigious dental laboratory of Modena . Holder since 1997 in Sassuolo . Constantly attends training courses in : – Fixed Prosthesis and Ceramics – Denture – Implant Prostheses – Reconstruction with composite.